Research Division


Our mission is to create a platform that offers solutions to scientific and social challenges which enterprises, local governments, other public sectors and on-campus research groups face in anticipation of our future data-driven society. University academics and researchers specialized in mathematical and statistical sciences, data science, AI and related technologies work together. Research Division is divided into three sections; AI and Data Science Section, Social Implementation Section and Value Innovation and Design Section. Each Section aims to cover basics and applied areas of mathematical and data sciences. Research Division consists of 51 academics across the various disciplines at Kobe University with the background of data science.


AI and Data Science Section

Social Implementation Section

Value Innovation and Design Section


Name Position Organization
Division Leader/Deputy Director Seiichi Ozawa Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences

AI and Data Science Section

Unit Name Position Organization
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Masa-Hiko Saito Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Nobuki Takayama Professor Graduate School of Science
Satoshi Aoki Professor Graduate School of Science
Makoto Kikuchi Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Takaharu Yaguchi Associate Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Taichi Inaba Associate Professor Graduate School for Human Development and Environment
Yuji Sakamoto Associate Professor Graduate School for Human Development and Environment
Arata Komyo Associate Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Hyoma Hayashi Visiting Research Fellow Kobe University Secondary School
Machine Learning Tomotoshi Nishino Associate Professor Graduate School of Science
Toshiaki Omori Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering
Big Data Analytics Takenao Ohkawa Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Seiichi Ozawa Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Hajime Murao Professor Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
Yoshiaki Shiraishi Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering
Tomoya Tamei Associate Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Masakatsu Morii* Professor Graduate School of Engineering
Satoshi Morinaga Guest Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences(NEC Corporation)
Naoki Sakai Visiting Research Fellow Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences (Beyond The Data, Inc.)
Multi Media Data Analytics Tetsuya Takiguchi Professor Research Center for Urban Safety and Security
Masahide Nakamura Associate Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Tsutomu Terada Professor Graduate School of Engineering
Nobutaka Kuroki Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering
High Performance Computing Junichiro Makino Professor Graduate School of Science
Hideyuki Usui Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Mitsuo Yokokawa* Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Shigenori Tanaka* Professor Graduate School of System Informatics

Social Implementation Section

Unit Name Position Organization
Cyber Physical Systems Kenjiro Kimura Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Toshiya Kaihara* Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Nobutada Fujii Associate Professor Graduate School of System Informatics
Hiroshi Kawaguchi Professor Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation
Yoichi Motomura Guest Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Business and Educational Sciences Takashi Kamihigashi Professor Center for Computational Social Science (CCSS)
Kenya Fujiwara Professor Graduate School of Business Administration
Masatoshi Gotoh Professor Graduate School of Business Administration
Lin Huang Professor Graduate School of Business Administration
Chieko Minami Professor Graduate School of Business Administration
Takashi Hatakeda Associate Professor Graduate School of Business Administration
Shigeyuki Hamori Professor Graduate School of Economics
Akio Namba Professor Graduate School of Economics
Etsuko Kumamoto Professor Information Science and Technology Center
Chengjiu Yin Associate Professor Information Science and Technology Center
Enna Hirata Associate Professor Center for Mathematical and Data Sciences
Medical and Healthcare Sciences Takashi Omori Professor Graduate School of Medicine
Hisafumi Yasuda Professor Graduate School of Health Sciences
Hideyuki Iriko Associate Professor Graduate School of Health Sciences

Value Innovation and Design Section

Unit Name Position Organization
Future City Design Atsushi Iizuka* Professor Research Center for Urban Safety and Security
Data Innovation Kenji Kutsuna Professor Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation
Naoto Ohmura Professor Graduate School of Engineering
Hiroki Tsuruta Associate Professor Value School
Keiko Gion Assistant Professor Value School
Social and Cultural System Design Takehisa Nakagawa* Professor Graduate School of Law
Yutaka Tejima Professor Graduate School of Law
Naofumi Fujimura* Associate Professor Graduate School of Law
Yutaka Shinada Professor Graduate School of Law
Hirokazu Yokokawa Professor School of Languages and Communication
Shin'ichiro Ishikawa Professor School of Languages and Communication
* Advisory Committee members