No. | 日程 | 論文情報 | 発表者 |
1 | 2022/10/13(木) | E. Dinella, D. Hanjun, L. Ziyang, N. Mayur, S. Le, and W. Ke "Hoppity: Learning graph transformations to detect and fix bugs in programs" International Conference on Learning Representations (2020) |
Muhammad F. Rozi・D |
2 | 2022/10/17(月) | Z. Peng, L. Dong, H. Bao, Q. Ye, and F. Wei "BEIT V2: Masked Image Modeling with Vector-Quantized Visual Tokenizers" arXiv:2208.06366v1 (2022) |
村中 建太・M2 |
3 | 2022/10/20(木) | D. Wang, N. Ding, P. Li, and H. Zheng "CLINE: Contrastive learning with semantic negative examples for natural language understanding" Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (2021) |
吉田 朋弘・M2 |
4 | 2022/10/24(月) | X. Ma, P. Karkus, D. Hsu, and W. S. Lee "Particle Filter Recurrent Neural Networks" Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2020) |
伊原 琢真・M2 |
5 | 2022/10/27(木) | J. Wu, M. Hayat, M. Zhou, and M. Harandi "Defense against Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning" arXiv:2209.05724v1 (2022) |
三浦 啓吾・M2 |
6 | 2022/10/31(月) | S. Maeda "Unpaired Image Super-Resolution using Pseudo-Supervision" IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2020) |
鈴木 聖惟・M2 |
7 | 2022/11/04(金) | Y. Ma, Z. Xie, J. Wang, K. Chen, and L. Shou "Continual Federated Learning Based on Knowledge Distillation" International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2022) |
Septiviana S. Asrori・M2 |
8 | 2022/11/07(月) | M. Caron, H. Touvron, I. Misra, H. Jégou, J. Mairal, P. Bojanowski, and A. Joulin "Emerging Properties in Self-Supervised Vision Transformers" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (2021) |
岸川 裕輝・M2 |
9 | 2022/11/10(木) | I. Tolstikhin, et al. "MLP-Mixer: An all-MLP Architecture for Vision" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2021) |
井阪 寛明・M2 |
10 | 2022/11/14(月) | B. F. O. Coelho, et al. "Parkinson’s disease effective biomarkers based on Hjorth features improved by machine learning" Expert Systems with Applications (2022) |
薩井 篤・M2 |
11 | 2022/11/17(木) | S. Sardari, et al. "Audio based depression detection using Convolutional Autoencoder" Expert Systems with Applications (2022) |
中山 祐輔・M2 |
12 | 2022/11/21(月) | S. Yang, S. Jascha, P. K. Diederik, K. Abhishek, E. Stefano, and P. Ben "Score-Based Generative Modeling through Stochastic Differential Equations" Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (2021) |
稲葉 健允・M2 |
13 | 2022/11/24(木) | A. Akbarimajd, N. Hoertel, M. Hussain, A. Neshat, M. Marhamati, M. Bakhtoor, and M. Mlmeny "Learning-to-Augment Incorporated Noise-Robust Deep CNN for Detection of COVID-19 in Noisy X-ray Images" Journal of Computational Science (2022) |
渡邊 斗夢・M1 |
14 | 2022/11/28(月) | Q. Li, B. Guo, and Z. Wang "A privacy-preserving multi-agent updating framework for self-adaptive tree model" Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2022) |
竹内 奏・M1 |
15 | 2022/12/01(木) | K. He, et al. "Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners" IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2022) |
三宅 健太・M1 |
16 | 2022/12/05(月) | N. Carion, et al. "End-to-end object detection with transformers" European conference on computer vision (2020) |
服部 達也・M1 |
17 | 2022/12/08(木) | H. Li, et al. "Learning from noisy anchors for one-stage object detection" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2020) |
龔 承乾・M1 |
18 | 2022/12/12(月) | W. Grathwohl, K. Swersky, M. Hashemi, D. Duvenaud, and C. Maddison "Oops I Took A Gradient: Scalable Sampling for Discrete Distributions" Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (2021) |
中野 博三・M1 |
19 | 2022/12/15(木) | C. Peng, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Kang, C. Chen, and Q. Cheng "Log-based sparse nonnegative matrix factorization for data representation" Knowledge-Based Systems (2022) |
野手 勇哉・M1 |
20 | 2022/12/19(月) | K. Pachtrachai, et al. "Learning to Calibrate-Estimating the Hand-eye Transformation Without Calibration Objects" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2021) |
三谷 祐貴・M1 |
21 | 2022/12/22(木) | M. Wortsman, et al. "Model soups: averaging weights of multiple fine-tuned models improves accuracy without increasing inference time" International Conference on Machine Learning (2022) |
藤原 魁成・M1 |
22 | 2022/12/26(月) | H. Liu, Z. Dai, D. So, and Q. V. Le "Pay attention to MLPs" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2021) |
高須 悠一朗・M1 |
23 | 2023/01/10(火) | J. Yin, M. Tang, J. Cao, and H. Wang "Apply transfer learning to cybersecurity: Predicting exploitability of vulnerabilities by description" Knowledge-Based Systems (2020) |
宮武 和咲・M1 |
24 | 2023/01/12(木) | Q. Zhang, and Y. Chen "Diffusion normalizing flow" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2021) |
近江 勇斗・M1 |
25 | 2023/01/16(月) | M. Komeili, K. Shuster, and J. Weston "Internet-Augmented Dialogue Generation" Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (2022) |
中野 瑠人・M1 |
26 | 2023/01/19(木) | K. Xu, et al. "A Bayesian-symbolic approach to reasoning and learning in intuitive physics" Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (2021) |
東海林 翼・M1 |
27 | 2023/01/23(月) | Q. Chen, Y. Wang, T. Yang, X. Zhang, J. Cheng, and J. Sun "You Only Look One-level Feature" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (2021) |
南地 海音・M1 |
28 | 2023/01/26(木) | Y. Kong, X. M. Zhao, RZ. Liu, Z. W. Yang, H. Y. Yin, B. W. Zhao, J. L. Wang, B. J. Qin, and A. X. Yan "Integrating Concept of Pharmacophore with Graph Neural Networks for Chemical Property Prediction and Interpretation" Journal of Cheminformatics, vol. 14, 52 (2022) |
相部 剛司・M1 |
29 | 2023/01/30(月) | U. Ojha, et al. "Few-shot Image Generation via Cross-domain Correspondence" Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2021) |
須崎 貴史・M2 |